111 Wolcott St.
P.O. Box 37
Le Roy, NY 14482
Phone: (585) 768-6800
Fax: (585) 768-7072

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Burial or Graveside Services

At Cameron Funeral Home's, we want to make sure that you are well informed about the different types of burial services in LeRoy, Scottsville and surrounding communities.  We think that this is important so that you can make the right choice about how to say goodbye to a loved one, or pre-plan your own funeral.

First of all, what is a funeral? That might seem like a trivial question, but we find that even now there are people that come to us and do not know how a funeral is structured, or what it’s true purpose is. Please click below and take a look - just in case there is something you don’t already know. If you are considering burial services for either yourself or a loved one, it is important that you read about our burial services page. This page covers the different burial services that the Cameron Funeral Home offers and gives you a breakdown of the various options for each.

For affordable burial services in LeRoy and Scottsville think Cameron Funeral Home.

Once you decide what kind of burial service you want, the next step is to plan it. Our ‘how to plan a burial’ page is a great reference if you’ve never planned a burial service in Cameron Funeral Homes, LLC before. Please take some time to read through and make sure that a burial is the best choice for your loved one and your family. Do you know what elements are included in a traditional funeral service? If not, then take a look at the ‘traditional funeral services’ page. This page will help you decide if you are looking for something traditional, or if something more modern will be a better choice for the deceased or yourself.

What is a Funeral?
Turning to the social sciences for a more holistic idea of what makes a funeral, we learn the common features of funeral services around the world. You'll learn all funeral services are rites of passage, transforming status and reaffirming social ties.
Our Burial Services
This sections covers our available burial services and answers some of the questions you may have about the various options.
How to Plan a Burial Service
A simple burial service is a preferred custom in many societies and faiths. Read more about our burial services so you can best decide if a burial service is the right option for you and your loved ones.
Traditional Funeral Services
Whether you're making funeral arrangements for a loved one or pre-planning your own funeral, this section explains traditional services and all of the available options.
Green Burial Options
A natural burial may be an option for those that are looking to be more environmentally friendly or wish to return their body to the Earth naturally.
Frequently Asked Questions on Burial Services
Wondering if a burial service is right for you? This section answers some of the most common questions people have about burials and the elements surrounding them.

365 Days of Healing

Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral: subscribe to our free daily grief support email program, designed to help you a little bit every day, by filling out the form below.

52 Weeks of Support

It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year.